Wednesday, December 19, 2012

ADHD Breakthrough.

An excerpt from the ENC Wellness Guide, by Dr. Lois Flemming

Picture two children playing with walkie-talkies.  The handsets, unfortunately are set on different frequencies.  The children yell and scream into the device, but their words are not coming through the speaker.  Now picture the children with the frequency fixed but they have not yet mastered mashing the button when talking.  Some words come through while others are lost.  The children can hear each other but not decipher what's being said.  Current research shows similar patterns happen in the brains of those with neurobehavioral disorders.  Different areas of the brain, specifically the two hemispheres, are unable to effective communicate with each other because of the delays in development.  Think of one hemisphere being the age of three while the other is thirteen.  The communication and activities of such brain will be spotty, disrupted, confused resulting in an inability to concentrate, feelings of frustration, poor body awareness and lack of control.
The great news is that these developmental delays are not permanent--they can be fixed!!

For more information on healing the brain, please go to .

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