Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chiropractic and ADHD

Chiropractic adjustments play an important role in helping balance the brain, because when the spine is adjusted, it sends information that travels to various parts that have been shown to be involved in ADHD such as the cerebellum and right hemisphere.  When complemented with exercises and activities that specifically target the weak or delayed hemisphere, the results can be phenomenal.
For example, in one study done by a chiropractic neurologist in New York, it was shown that, with the proper natural approach, 80% of ADHD children where so improved that they no longer met diagnostic criteria.  And that happened in just 12 weeks!
That doesn't mean that chiropractic will cure ADHD, but it will go a long way in helping the child behave better and function at their best.
Contact us today at drflemming@embarqmail to get your questions answered and find out how the Whole Child Wellness brain balancing program can help.