Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2011 Coats for Kids Drive

Coats for Kids is in it's 17th year at the office of Dr. Lois Flemming.  This is a project that is near and dear to all of our hearts.  Over the years, thanks to the generous spirit of our patients and the community, we have collected over 1000 new winter coats and over $5000 in cash for the foster children of Craven County. 

This year, we set a goal of 150 coats.  We are half-way through our drive (last day for collections is Friday, Dec. 16th), and we are not even close to 150 coats.  I know the economy has us all tightening our purse strings, and the drive is not over yet, but I am getting anxious that we will not be able to provide coats to all the foster children as we have in the past.  I would like to encourage you all to consider making a contribution to this wonderful charity. 

Coats for Kids is great way to give to our community.

Friday, September 9, 2011

School ADHD Resource Kits are now available.

Whole Child Wellness is supporting our kids, and the local school system, by providing ADHD Resource Kits to Elementary Schools.  These kits contain great resources for teachers and parents, to help them understand the ADHD brain and give them tools and techniques to enhance learning.  The exercises contained in these kits are great for all learners, not just those with neurobehavioral disorders, and our hope is that teachers will implement a few of these techniques in their classrooms every day.

Some of the items contained in each kit:
"Disconnected Kids"- written by the founder of The Brain Balance Center. (This book is a great starting point for anyone interested in learning more about brain balancing.)
Cross-body movement exercises to improve reading skills.
Explanation of right and left brain functions.
Easy tests to determine lateral dominance.
Behavioral and learning evaluations.
Cognitive exercises to improve logic, reasoning, calculation and planning.
Eye tracking exercises to help with tracking words while reading.
Nutritional evaluation sheets to help determine food intolerance's.
Sensory stimulation to promote right or left brain function.
Lot's of literature explaining why the ADHD brain learns differently.
E.O.G. brain boosting exercises........and much, much more!

Ask your child's teacher if they have an ADHD Resource Kit and if they are implementing it in the classroom.  If your school does not have a kit and is interested in receiving one, please contact us at staff.drflemming@embarqmail.com .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Expected Child Behaviors

The Whole Child Wellness program quite often makes recommendations to parents regarding dietary changes.  We perform a comprehensive IgG food allergy test  before we list specific foods a child needs to avoid.  Successfully making the recommended dietary changes requires diligence and patience, and are a necessary evil, vital to resolving the child's brain imbalance. 

Chicken nuggets, pizza, chips, bread, cereal, ice cream, macaroni and cheese.  This is just a sampling of the foods that kids love and want to eat all the time.  It can be a daunting task to cut these offending foods out of your child's diet.  Parents struggle to find nutritious, healthy foods their child will actually eat, and quite often, the children backslide and become irritable, hyper or super-sensitive, seem fatigued or even experience headaches and nausea.  These are the physical withdrawal symptoms presented as the child goes through detox.  Similar symptoms occur in adults who quit smoking and go through nicotine withdrawal, or stop caffeine and go through caffeine withdrawal.    It is important to note that in susceptible children, the protein components in milk (casein) and wheat (gluten/gliandin) can form a morphine-like chemical that their bodies have adapted to.  When you take that chemical out of the body, the body will have physical withdrawal symptoms similar to that of a drug addict. 

Most parents look at these behaviors as negative things, equating them with side effects from medications which are bad for you and last as long as you take the medication.  We here at Whole Child Wellness look at these side effects as a positive sign.  A sign that the body is detoxing, eliminating the offending substance.  We know that this backslide into negative behaviors is temporary, short lived, and a necessary sign of healing within the brain. 

If you would like to learn more about some common offending foods, please log on to www.naturalhelpforadhd.blogspot.com .

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do you worry about possible side effects?

There have been neumerous studies published regarding the negative side effects associated with long term use of medications prescribed to treat symptoms of ADHD.  Stunted growth, suicidal thoughts, increased risk of drug abuse.  Even sudden death. 

Instead of blood tests and a thourough medical evaluation, parents of children seeing a medical doctor for ADHD have a conversation about the school's checklist, and leave a few minutes later with a prescription for a powerful psychotropic drug for their young child. 
-Did the doctor check for a thyroid disorder?
-Did the doctor test for heavy metal toxicity? 
-Did the doctor even mention nutrition or possible food sensitivities? 

Whole Child Wellness is named as such because we examine the whole child, and determine the causes of their symptoms, then treat their condition naturally.  We must warn you, however, there are some pretty powerful side effects. 

To learn about the possible side effects of the natural approach to treatment of ADHD, please log on to
www.naturalhelpforadhd.blogspot.com .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

14 Key Factors Resulting in Hemisphericity

Genetic predisposition
Peri-natal factors- birth trauma, cerebral hypoxia, fetal distress
Cerebral traumas- cranial blows, concussion, whiplash
Cranio-vertebral/postural dysfunction- subluxations, weak core muscles
Dys-afferentation (reduced sensory capacity)- chronic ear infections, scar tissue
Sedentary/reduced movement- TV, video games, computers, long hours sitting, street insecurity
Psycho-social factors- sensory deprivation, physical or emotional abuse, lack of social support
Environmental toxins- trans-placental (mercury, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes) Neonatal (passive smoking, heavy metals)
Electromagnetic pollution
Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
Vitamin, Mineral, Amino Acid Deficiency
Metabolically incompatible diet
Food allergies/intolerance's/peptide accumulation- casein and gluten, other food sensitivities, food additives, phosphates
Gastro-Intestinal Dysbiosis- pro biotic deficiency, bacterial overgrowth, parasites, Candida
Immune Dysfunction

For more information on hemisphericity or the 14 key factors resulting in hemisphericity, please log on to www.naturalhelpforadhd.blogspot.com .

Friday, June 17, 2011

Why adjust kids?

Parents of children coming into the Whole Child Wellness program are sometimes surprised by the fact that chiropractic treatment is a part of the program.  How can spinal manipulation help with symptoms of ADHD, Asperger's, Autism or Opisitional Disorder?

Spinal joints that are improperly positioned, or subluxated, can cause irritation or pressure to the nerves exiting the spinal column.  This leads to poor nerve signal transmission from the brain to the body and from the body back to the brain.  The brain is dependant upon this "super-highway" of nerve signals to control all bodily functions (respiration, digestion, blood pressure, etc.), for proprioception and coordination, and to make sense out of all the sensory input our bodies are constantly receiving from the world around us.

Spinal subluxations are common in children due to falls, rough play and birth trauma.  It is so important to remove these sources of interference in their internal communication system and allow their "information super-highway" to function at it's best.

For more information on what kids think about spinal adjustments, and to learn about Dr. Flemming's adjusting technique, please log on to http://www.naturalhelpforadhd.blogspot.com/ .

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why Mineral Tissue Analysis is so important.

A tissue mineral analysis is one of the first tests we do on children entering the Whole Child Wellness program.  Using a small sample of hair from the child, an independent lab tests the amount of  heavy metals and other toxins present in the child's system.  The majority of kids we test come back with unhealthy levels of toxic metals accumulated in their system.  It's not just lead parents have to worry about.  There is also aluminum, mercury, cadmium and arsenic- all found in the foods we eat, the materials we cook with, the air we breath, the medicine we take.  What are we putting into our kids!?!?
Parents who have been very diligent in providing healthy, nutritious foods and clean home environment are especially surprised by the levels of toxins found in their child's system.  They say "no wonder my child is having problems" and "how did this happen?".
This is why if your child is having difficulty with focus, attention, communication or behavior, a mineral tissue analysis should be one of the first diagnostic tests performed.  The Whole Child Wellness program works first to remove these toxic substances creating interference in the brain, then to strengthen the weakened areas created by the interference.
For more information on the Whole Child Wellness program, and information on a recent study done by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, go to www.naturalhelpforadhd.blogspot.com .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Putting "The Brain Gym" to work for you.

Movement is essential for people of all ages and physical states.  The intentional movement available through the 26 Brain Gym Activities will enhance any learning pursuit, especially helping parents and educators to support children in their daily life endeavors.

Authors of "The Brain Gym", Paul and Gail Dennison, are pioneers in the field of mind-body integration known as Educational Kenesiology.  The activities are intended to be intentional, playful movement, that foster the flexibility, eye teaming, and hand-eye coordination that allow learners to thrive in the classroom, along with the ability to live happily and creatively amid the stresses of modern life.

Whole Child Wellness is currently working on a pilot study to document the effects of implementing "Brain Gym" activities in the classroom, in the hopes it will encourage more schools to use the techniques that incorporate movement into learning.

For more information on how to order the "Brain Gym" books, or to find out more about ways to incorporate movement to promote learning, please contact Whole Child Wellness at staff.drflemming@embarqmail.com .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Every Child is a Puzzle.

ADHD is a puzzle with hundreds of pieces.  Each child has their own unique puzzle, with some pieces being more important than others.  Whole Child Wellness looks as the entire ADHD puzzle and determines the key pieces that are causing the primary symptoms.

For most children, treating the two main pieces will bring 80% of the results, but it is crucial to treat them all. 

We are trained to find all the pieces of your child's puzzle, then tune the program to fit your child's need.

For more information on the pieces to your child's puzzle, go to naturalhelpforADHD.blogspot.com .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Parent Nights at Whole Child Wellness.

We have scheduled a "Parents Night" at Whole Child Wellness for Monday, May 16th and Thursday, May 26th at 7:00 pm.
Dr. Flemming will discuss the latest in brain balancing programs.  She will also be available to answer any questions parents may have regarding their childs symptoms and behavior. 
All parents are invited to come to the office, meet the Dr. and Brain Coaches, and learn a little more about the Whole Child Wellness program. 

Does your school have an ADHD Resource Kit?  Whole Child Wellness has developed a resource kit for local schools that has specific ideas on ways to reach and teach ADHD children.  Look in our upcoming newsletter for more information.  If you would like to receive this newsletter, e-mail NEWSLETTER to staff.drflemming@embarqmail.com .

Join us at the Zim Zumm Family Expo in Jacksonville!  See naturalhelpforadhd.blogspot.com to get times and dates!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keep kids hydrated to improve cognitave function.

For a substance that is so essential to life, water seems remarkably unremarkable: colorless, odorless, tasteless. Yet, it is the magic elixir for learning, the "secret potion" for learning.

A 2009 study at the University of East London investigated whether having a drink of water improved children's behavior on cognitive tasks.  Fifty-eight children aged 7-9 were randomly allocated to a group that received an extra glass of water or a group that did not.  Results show that children who drank additional water performed better on visual attention tasks.  These results indicate that a child's cognitive performance can be improved by having a drink of water.

Water is one of the most important and most abundant inorganic substances in the body.  Water comprises more of the brain than any other organ in the body.  It is essential for the electrical transmissions within the nervous system that allow us to sense, learn, think and act. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The numbers on co-morbidity and ADHD

54-76% of ADHD children meet the criteria for oppositional defiant disorder.
20-50% of ADHD children meet the criteria for conduct disorder.
12-21% of ADHD adults qualify for antisocial personality disorder.
The severity of ADHD is correlated to the severity of other disorders.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dominance and Lateralization

Understanding dominance and lateralization can guide us to the best approach when working with children suffering from neurobehavioral disorders.

*4 easy tests to determine the dominant hemisphere.
Hand- Throw a small ball and ask the child to catch it and throw it back with one hand.
Foot- Place a small ball on the ground and ask the child to kick it.
Eye- Create a telescope with a used paper towel roll. Hand it to the child at mid line of the waist and instruct the child to take the telescope with both hands and look into it. If you want you can check whether the child uses a different eye when looking through the telescope at a near or far object.
Ear- Tell the child that you heard some noise on the other side of the door and him to listen at the door and see if he hears it.
For each dominance tested, record the dominant side.

Mixed dominance (not having some or all dominance on the right) may be a sign of developmental delay or brain disorganization. Up until 7 years old, the mixed dominance may resolve with proper care and brain balancing protocol. After 7 years old, the mixed dominance pattern is usually fixed. Each mixed dominance has a pattern of strengths and weaknesses. When the language centers are located in the left hemisphere (which occurs in most people, but there may be exceptions), it is neurologically ideal to have right-sided dominance.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Testing Attention

The T.O.V.A. is a diagnostic test used by many child behavioral practitioners to test variables of attention.  Taken pre- and post treatment, it measures the speed and accuracy of response to a 21 minute computer task.  The task is pretty boring (trust me on this one) and requires a degree of maintained focus and concentration to complete.  For kids with ADHD, it provides insight as to how well a treatment is working to control attentiveness and impulsivity.  A T.O.V.A. score improvement of 0.5 confirms that drug therapy has been effective in the treatment of ADHD.  Pre-and post testing of children in our Whole Child Wellness program has shown T.O.V.A. score improvement at 2.0!  This is irrefutable evidence on the effectiveness of our program, and its ability to improve the function of the ADHD brain.  No medication needed!

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Must to Listen to!

This is a Wonderful interview with Dr. Melillo, one of the developers of the Brain-balancing protocols for Hemisphericity and the founder of the Brain-balancing Centers.  Our program is based on his research and protocols.  I think you will see why I think this is the ONLY way to help children with FDS (Functional Disconnect Syndrome) behaviors like ADHD.

It's a long interview but very meaty and some good suggestions for parents.  Contact me with any questions!
By the way, Dr. Melillo will be releasing his 2nd book in April called Reconnected Kids.
We are now accepting new applicants to the program.  I will be doing several introductory lectures and parents nights in April and May.  Contact the office for dates and times.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our Whole Child Wellness Open House was a great success!

If you missed our Open House on Wednesday, you missed a great opportunity to learn a lot about neurobehavioral disorders and how our Brain Balancing Program works.  We had many parents, educators and medical professionals come and check us out, and we provided what we feel was a fun and interesting way to learn about our program.  For those of you who were unable to make it, never fear.....we are already in the planning stages for our next Open House this spring.

One of the most frequently asked questions at the open house was- "how does this program differ from the behavioral therapy and all the other things I've tried before?"

Our program differs primarily in how we view ADHD and autism, and therefore how we treat it.

In the Whole Child Wellness program we determine the causes of hemisphericity through clinical exam, and work to remove them.  Hemisphericity is the primary reason for the symptoms associated with neurobehavioral disorders.  Once the causes are determined and removed, we then work to strengthen any deficits created by the weakened side of the brain.

I will discuss more about how our Brain Balancing program is different from other treatments and why our program is so successful for the treatment of ADHD, Asperger's, autism and learning delay in my next post.

If you have any questions for me or about this program, please feel free to e-mail me at staff.drflemming@embarqmail.com with ADHD in the subject line.

Yours in health,

Dr. Lois Flemming