Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The most important type of stimulation.

Among the many types of stimulation that our world provides, one is more important than all the others: the stimulation from our postural muscles.  Our body, in order to stay upright, needs to constantly adjust to the pull of gravity.  These constant adjustments are made by our postural muscles and they provide a baseline stimulation to our brain.  No one can escape gravity.  Gravity is constant--other stimulation's are not (for example, your eyes are not stimulated when you sleep).

Learn more about why all stimulation's are not created equal by logging on to .

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's never too late to learn about our program!

If you missed our Open House on Saturday, it's not to late to come by!  We have set up some wonderful displays around the office to walk you through how and why our program is so successful. 

The results you can expect to get from our program:
*Increased academic performance.
*Superior grades.
*Decreased negative behavior.
*Marked improvement in communication and social skills.

Please feel free to come in and ask questions. Our mission is to help children with neurobehavioral disorders and their families maximize their potential in health, in education, and in living a full life.