Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tips and Tricks for Surviving Halloween


For helpful tips and tricks on how to handle Halloween, bucket loads of candy and your child who can’t have them due to a special diet for autism, adhd or other food allergies visit out blog at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A "Chemical Straightjacket"

Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School.
Click here to read this recent New York Times article.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Great news from a grandmother...

The grandmother of a Whole Child Wellness patient pulled us aside during a recent visit, visibly excited and wanting to share the progress she has seen in her grandson.  One of her greatest heartbreaks, she stated, was knowing he would always spend his lunch break at school alone, playing by himself during recess. With great excitement she announced that this year, he spends his recess playing with schoolmates.

Poor socialization skills, inability to recognize body language or visual cues, and inappropriate responses are all common symptoms of neurobehavioral disorders.  Balancing hemisphericity to improve communication between the right and left hemisphere of the brain, Whole Child Wellness graduates are better able to process information and respond appropriately.  Improved socialization skills are just one of the great side effects of the brain balancing programs.

For more information, tips and testimonials, log on to .