Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Parents of children who have completed three months of treatment describe the progress made as observed by themselves, and people around the child.

Name:  M.B.        Diagnosis:  Developmental Delay with Hyperactivity
M. has marked improvement in her coordination.  Eating times are now a true joy: she is calmer and no longer drops her cutlery.  She falls a lot less.  She has better control of her body and movements.  When she runs, she almost never falls anymore.

Name:  M.P.        Diagnosis:   ADHD and anxiety
Currently, M. is calmer, more composed and able to find resources to manage his anxiety and stress.  He has a better understanding of time, what he’s doing and what he still needs to do.  His teacher says that there is a marked reduction in his impulsivity and that his memory has greatly improved.  He is still a bit slow when he needs to get started.  But once he has, he now finishes what he starts.

Name:  F.B.         Diagnosis:  ADHD with oppositional and conduct disorder
We are very happy with our experience because the treatment has allowed us to markedly decrease his dose of Ritalin.    He still has some temper tantrums but this is also markedly improved.  He used to have 3 or 4 per day, now he has 4-5 per week.  They usually still happen at the end of the day when he is extremely tired.  He is more polite and since about 2 months into the program has not gotten into any fights in school.

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