Wednesday, December 19, 2012

ADHD Breakthrough.

An excerpt from the ENC Wellness Guide, by Dr. Lois Flemming

Picture two children playing with walkie-talkies.  The handsets, unfortunately are set on different frequencies.  The children yell and scream into the device, but their words are not coming through the speaker.  Now picture the children with the frequency fixed but they have not yet mastered mashing the button when talking.  Some words come through while others are lost.  The children can hear each other but not decipher what's being said.  Current research shows similar patterns happen in the brains of those with neurobehavioral disorders.  Different areas of the brain, specifically the two hemispheres, are unable to effective communicate with each other because of the delays in development.  Think of one hemisphere being the age of three while the other is thirteen.  The communication and activities of such brain will be spotty, disrupted, confused resulting in an inability to concentrate, feelings of frustration, poor body awareness and lack of control.
The great news is that these developmental delays are not permanent--they can be fixed!!

For more information on healing the brain, please go to .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Parents of children who have completed three months of treatment describe the progress made as observed by themselves, and people around the child.

Name:  M.B.        Diagnosis:  Developmental Delay with Hyperactivity
M. has marked improvement in her coordination.  Eating times are now a true joy: she is calmer and no longer drops her cutlery.  She falls a lot less.  She has better control of her body and movements.  When she runs, she almost never falls anymore.

Name:  M.P.        Diagnosis:   ADHD and anxiety
Currently, M. is calmer, more composed and able to find resources to manage his anxiety and stress.  He has a better understanding of time, what he’s doing and what he still needs to do.  His teacher says that there is a marked reduction in his impulsivity and that his memory has greatly improved.  He is still a bit slow when he needs to get started.  But once he has, he now finishes what he starts.

Name:  F.B.         Diagnosis:  ADHD with oppositional and conduct disorder
We are very happy with our experience because the treatment has allowed us to markedly decrease his dose of Ritalin.    He still has some temper tantrums but this is also markedly improved.  He used to have 3 or 4 per day, now he has 4-5 per week.  They usually still happen at the end of the day when he is extremely tired.  He is more polite and since about 2 months into the program has not gotten into any fights in school.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tips and Tricks for Surviving Halloween


For helpful tips and tricks on how to handle Halloween, bucket loads of candy and your child who can’t have them due to a special diet for autism, adhd or other food allergies visit out blog at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A "Chemical Straightjacket"

Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School.
Click here to read this recent New York Times article.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Great news from a grandmother...

The grandmother of a Whole Child Wellness patient pulled us aside during a recent visit, visibly excited and wanting to share the progress she has seen in her grandson.  One of her greatest heartbreaks, she stated, was knowing he would always spend his lunch break at school alone, playing by himself during recess. With great excitement she announced that this year, he spends his recess playing with schoolmates.

Poor socialization skills, inability to recognize body language or visual cues, and inappropriate responses are all common symptoms of neurobehavioral disorders.  Balancing hemisphericity to improve communication between the right and left hemisphere of the brain, Whole Child Wellness graduates are better able to process information and respond appropriately.  Improved socialization skills are just one of the great side effects of the brain balancing programs.

For more information, tips and testimonials, log on to .

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

12 Weeks to Permanent Correction

Many parents and medical professionals don't understand that ADHD can be corrected.  With 12 weeks of intensive effort, permanent changes can be made within the brain to correct (yes correct) the neurological dysfunctions causing the symptoms of ADHD.

What is so remarkable is that this change, created in this short period of time, can effect the outcome of the rest of their lives.
*The social stigma attached to kids with ADHD in school has a profound affect on self-esteem and self confidence.
*The statistics on drug use and jail time among young adults who have ADHD are startling.   
*Adults with ADHD continually struggle with job performance and personal relationships.

We challenge parents and medical professionals to make brain balancing the treatment of choice for ADHD.   Corrections in the brain can be made.  Future struggles can be avoided.  You have the opportunity to give our children a brighter future!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Witness a true master at work!

Dr. Ted Carrick, the founder of chiropractic neurology, was recently featured on ABC Nightline News.  To watch this six minute video, click here, then scroll down to "Chiropractic Neurology: Miracle Method or Placebo?-Watch Video" on lower left.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Recent Testimonial by a Parent

C had great difficulty focusing and became out of control with frustration.  Our child's teacher recommended the program after hearing of another child that it helped.  After finding he had food sensitivities and removing the offending foods, he is more pleasant and able to control himself.  He is also more reasonable when he does not get his way.  I have been most impressed by Dr. Flemming's willingness to explain what they what they were doing and why and how I could do parts of the program with him at home.  I have always felt free to ask questions and have received thorough answers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Small steps can equal great success!

The importance of nutritional supplementation and tissue detoxification for kids with neurobehavioral issues became very obvious to us this week with one of our students.  Three days after starting the supplements and taking them as prescribed, significant improvement was noticed in focus, attention, behavior and coordination.  We know in the long term, even greater improvements will be made through the hemispheric balancing portion of the program.
For more information on the importance of supplements, please long on to .

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

An adult success story...

An adult recently completed the in house portion of the Whole Child Wellness program.  When she began treatment, her life was just a mess.  Stress really exaggerated the symptoms of her ADHD and made it impossible for her carry through with her plans and get her life in order.   She was unemployed and wanted to go back to school, but was unable to focus and think clearly, and felt she would not be able to concentrate enough to be a success at anything. 
After completing just a few weeks of the program, was saw her smile and seem happy for the first time.  After one month, she applied for a job and was accepted for a job training program. Today, she completed her job training, is working full time and seems to have her life under control.  Stress is still a big factor in her life, but she is able to handle it so much better.   

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A teacher speaks!

We recently received a letter from the elementary school teacher of one of our Whole Child Wellness participants.  She wanted us to know some of the changes she has seen in him since starting the program.
She writes:  He is more vocal with other people.  He repeats movie and TV lines and even acts like the characters.  His sensory behaviors (noises, jumping) have not been so present.  He interacts with his peers more.  He makes eye contact with adults.  He has become very observant and lets the teachers know if someone is doing something they shouldn't do. 
We know that we are making a huge difference in the rest of this child's life.  Our experience tells us that this is only the beginning of opening the world to him.  He still has a long way to go and many doors to open, and we have provided him with the key!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Excellent Program on Nutrition and ADHD

There is remarkable evidence that certain foods can create neurotoxins in a child's brain that can make it impossible for them to think and behave.
We invite you to join us on Thursday, May 10th at 6pm at "The Meeting Place" in James City to learn what foods children with neurobehavioral disorders should avoid and why.
For more information please call 252-638-2215.  No reservation necessary.

Excellent program on Nutrition and ADHD

There is remarkable evidence that certain foods create neurotoxins in the brain, making it difficult for some children to learn and behave.  We invite everyone to join us on Thursday May 10th at "The Meeting Place" in James City to learn about what foods children with neurobehavioral disorders should or should not eat and why.   

Friday, April 20, 2012

Electromagnetic Pollution

Over the last decades, the increase in electric and electronic devices has generated an impressive increase in electromagnetic waves in the environment.  In fact, it has been calculated that, in 2000, there were 1 million times more electromagnetic waves per cm2 than in 1900.  Since our brain also functions on electromagnetic activity, it is no wonder that the environmental electromagnetic pollution  surrounding us can affect our brain function.  Studies have shown that children's early exposure to frequent television watching is associated with an increased risk of developing attention problems later in life.
For "brain-friendly" recommendations on protecting your children from electromagnetic pollution, please log on to .

Friday, April 13, 2012

Get started with Phase One of the Whole Child Wellness Program.

    We have restructured the Whole Child Wellness program to three phases or levels of care.   Phase One of the  program is a complete ADHD assessment.  This is where we determine if symptoms truely are the result of a brain imbalance.  It is where we weed out what outside toxins are affecting brain function.  It is our baseline, which all patient must complete before moving on to the next level of the program. 
     For some patients, completion of Phase One of the program can resolve most of the symptoms they are experiencing as a result of their ADHD.  Improvement in focus and behavior is achieved by removing the toxins that were creating interference in the communication between brain hemispheres.    
For these patients, there is no need to progress into the other phases of the program. 
     Our new, restructured program, simplifies your care.  It also lessens your commitment financially. 
For more information, contact us at, call us at 638-6062, or log on to .

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The most important type of stimulation.

Among the many types of stimulation that our world provides, one is more important than all the others: the stimulation from our postural muscles.  Our body, in order to stay upright, needs to constantly adjust to the pull of gravity.  These constant adjustments are made by our postural muscles and they provide a baseline stimulation to our brain.  No one can escape gravity.  Gravity is constant--other stimulation's are not (for example, your eyes are not stimulated when you sleep).

Learn more about why all stimulation's are not created equal by logging on to .

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's never too late to learn about our program!

If you missed our Open House on Saturday, it's not to late to come by!  We have set up some wonderful displays around the office to walk you through how and why our program is so successful. 

The results you can expect to get from our program:
*Increased academic performance.
*Superior grades.
*Decreased negative behavior.
*Marked improvement in communication and social skills.

Please feel free to come in and ask questions. Our mission is to help children with neurobehavioral disorders and their families maximize their potential in health, in education, and in living a full life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Everyone is invited... the Whole Child Wellness Open House this Saturday, February 4th, from 10am-1pm. 

-Find out how it is possible to make permanent improvements in your child's grades, behavior and social abilities without medication.
-Learn why medication is not a solution to ADHD symptoms, but a temporary cover up that creates new, unwanted symptoms.
-Come to a greater understanding of the dysfunction in the ADHD brain.
-Uncover the many different keys that contribute to your child's symptoms.

Please make plans to join us.  You will discover that you do have options in the treatment of ADHD.  Your child can have a better tomorrow!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Your Child Can.....

make dramatic improvements in his or her grades, get along and fit in better with his or her peers, end the behavior battle, and have improved focus and organizational skills. Whole Child Wellness holds the key to a better future for your child.

Get the scoop on how brain building programs work by attending our Open House, February 4th starting at 10am. You can look around, pick up some tips, or listen to a free lecture on ADHD.

Your child does not....have to spend a lifetime on medication to mask the symptoms of ADHD or struggle with ADHD any longer.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Open House Scheduled for February 4th, 10am-1pm.

Everyone is invited to attend our Whole Child Wellness Open House, scheduled for February 4th.  This is a great opportunity to get to know the hemispheric balancing program a little better, meet the doctor and brain coaches, and tour the facility.  Dr. Flemming will host 2 one hour lectures, scheduled for 10am and 12pm, on nutrition and ADHD. 

All attendees can try out the metronome and see first hand why it is so successful, learn some simple ways to stimulate a particular hemisphere of the brain, and take home tips they can start with their children that day!  This is a floating open house, so you may spend as much or as little time as you like getting to know the program.

Questions?  Please contact us at, or 252-638-2215.