Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Everyone is invited...

...to the Whole Child Wellness Open House this Saturday, February 4th, from 10am-1pm. 

-Find out how it is possible to make permanent improvements in your child's grades, behavior and social abilities without medication.
-Learn why medication is not a solution to ADHD symptoms, but a temporary cover up that creates new, unwanted symptoms.
-Come to a greater understanding of the dysfunction in the ADHD brain.
-Uncover the many different keys that contribute to your child's symptoms.

Please make plans to join us.  You will discover that you do have options in the treatment of ADHD.  Your child can have a better tomorrow!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Your Child Can.....

make dramatic improvements in his or her grades, get along and fit in better with his or her peers, end the behavior battle, and have improved focus and organizational skills. Whole Child Wellness holds the key to a better future for your child.

Get the scoop on how brain building programs work by attending our Open House, February 4th starting at 10am. You can look around, pick up some tips, or listen to a free lecture on ADHD.

Your child does not....have to spend a lifetime on medication to mask the symptoms of ADHD or struggle with ADHD any longer.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Open House Scheduled for February 4th, 10am-1pm.

Everyone is invited to attend our Whole Child Wellness Open House, scheduled for February 4th.  This is a great opportunity to get to know the hemispheric balancing program a little better, meet the doctor and brain coaches, and tour the facility.  Dr. Flemming will host 2 one hour lectures, scheduled for 10am and 12pm, on nutrition and ADHD. 

All attendees can try out the metronome and see first hand why it is so successful, learn some simple ways to stimulate a particular hemisphere of the brain, and take home tips they can start with their children that day!  This is a floating open house, so you may spend as much or as little time as you like getting to know the program.

Questions?  Please contact us at staff.drflemming@embarqmail.com, or 252-638-2215.