Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Putting "The Brain Gym" to work for you.

Movement is essential for people of all ages and physical states.  The intentional movement available through the 26 Brain Gym Activities will enhance any learning pursuit, especially helping parents and educators to support children in their daily life endeavors.

Authors of "The Brain Gym", Paul and Gail Dennison, are pioneers in the field of mind-body integration known as Educational Kenesiology.  The activities are intended to be intentional, playful movement, that foster the flexibility, eye teaming, and hand-eye coordination that allow learners to thrive in the classroom, along with the ability to live happily and creatively amid the stresses of modern life.

Whole Child Wellness is currently working on a pilot study to document the effects of implementing "Brain Gym" activities in the classroom, in the hopes it will encourage more schools to use the techniques that incorporate movement into learning.

For more information on how to order the "Brain Gym" books, or to find out more about ways to incorporate movement to promote learning, please contact Whole Child Wellness at .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Every Child is a Puzzle.

ADHD is a puzzle with hundreds of pieces.  Each child has their own unique puzzle, with some pieces being more important than others.  Whole Child Wellness looks as the entire ADHD puzzle and determines the key pieces that are causing the primary symptoms.

For most children, treating the two main pieces will bring 80% of the results, but it is crucial to treat them all. 

We are trained to find all the pieces of your child's puzzle, then tune the program to fit your child's need.

For more information on the pieces to your child's puzzle, go to .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Parent Nights at Whole Child Wellness.

We have scheduled a "Parents Night" at Whole Child Wellness for Monday, May 16th and Thursday, May 26th at 7:00 pm.
Dr. Flemming will discuss the latest in brain balancing programs.  She will also be available to answer any questions parents may have regarding their childs symptoms and behavior. 
All parents are invited to come to the office, meet the Dr. and Brain Coaches, and learn a little more about the Whole Child Wellness program. 

Does your school have an ADHD Resource Kit?  Whole Child Wellness has developed a resource kit for local schools that has specific ideas on ways to reach and teach ADHD children.  Look in our upcoming newsletter for more information.  If you would like to receive this newsletter, e-mail NEWSLETTER to .

Join us at the Zim Zumm Family Expo in Jacksonville!  See to get times and dates!