Whole Child Wellness is very pleased and excited to announce our first OPEN HOUSE, scheduled for Wednesday, January 26th, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend this interactive tour of our facility. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the techniques we use, and even give them a try yourself! Learn about the root causes of neurobehavioral disorders and what can be done to correct them. See first-hand, the scope of our comprehensive testing.
Our hope is for everyone to come away with the understanding that a diagnosis of ADHD, Asperger's, autism, or a learning disability is not a life sentence. There are options and these disorders can be corrected. Please join us for an evening of information, refreshments and door prizes. We may even have a few special guests who have completed our program, and started a new chapter in their life, free of the symptoms linked to their disorder! We hope to see you there!