It is such a rewarding experience to see the progress we are making with each of our Whole Child Wellenss children. What may seem like baby-steps to outsiders, are milestones for these kids and their parents. Seven year old "Devin" was able to complete a dot-to-dot unassisted for the very first time. The grandparents of ten year old "Travis" came to visit, noticed a positive change in his behavior, and wanted to know what Mom was doing different. "Stacey", thirteen years old, scored a goal in gym class! Nine year old "Oscar" wasn't given detention at all during October.
These milestones are all signs of the positive changes being made within the brain to help these children better process sensory input.
We are so proud of the work all of our children in the Whole Child Wellness program have accomplished, and of the dedication their parents have shown in their commitment to this program!